Improving Attendance

Parent Expectations for Improving Attendance
The State of Virginia has a Compulsory School Attendance Law which states that all parents or legal guardians are responsible for seeing that their children, ages 5 to 18, attend school unless the child is enrolled in an alternative program that has been agreed upon by the school and parent.
Inclusive with this law is the understanding that parents will do everything within their power to see that their children attend school on time and regularly. Such actions could include:
Seeing that the child goes to bed early enough so that he/she can get up in time to catch the school bus.
Seeing that the child has all books, supplies, and necessary school papers ready the night before.
Seeing that the child is up and dressed prior to the parent leaving for work to ensure that their child is ready to leave for the bus.
Making any back-up arrangements necessary to see that he/she gets to school daily and on time in case of any family schedule changes.
The parent should notify the school each day a child is absent due to illness. If absences due to illness become excessive (more than three consecutive days), the parent is requested to provide a doctor’s statement.
Parents are reminded to send a signed, dated, written note on the return day following each absence. Also, a signed note from the parent is requested if a child is tardy to school. For each child’s protection, when a child is tardy to school the parents or persons bringing the child to school is requested to check him/her in at the main office.
Should you have any questions about these expectations, please feel free to call your child’s school or the Central Services Office at (804) 785-5981.